UPDATED: All flowers have been planted; we anticipate their blooming this spring! A heartfelt thanks to all who attended and helped.
On November 18 and 19, a Friday and Saturday, interested volunteers will be planting 2,000 flower bulbs at Mt. Zion Cemetery, located on Fulbright Avenue in College City. Flower bulbs have already been purchased for the event. Details of the larger initiative this workday is part of can be found here.
On the 18th, work will begin at 9:00 am and continue until dusk, at about 4:30 pm. On the 19th, work will begin at 8:00 am and continue as needed through the rest of the day, depending on how much time the task takes. Volunteers are welcome to come help for any length of time either or both days. Shovels and trowels will be provided, but volunteers may bring their own as well.
Water will be provided, but meals will not be. Restrooms at the nearby Felix Goodson Library will be open 8 to 4 on Friday and 12 to 4 on Saturday.